Category: Python (Page 2 of 2)

What does HCA stand for?

What does HCA stand for? What is the difference between Agglomerative and Divisive? When do I use the algorithm and what are its strengths? In this article we will clarify all these questions.

If you don’t know what clustering means, check out this article. Here we also explain four other clustering methods that you as a data scientist must know.

What is an HCA?

Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, or HCA, is a technique for optimal and compact connection of objects based on empirical similarity measures. The two most similar objects are assigned one after another until all objects are finally in one cluster. This then results in a tree-like structure.

What does HCA mean - This figure shows the basic principle of an applied HCA to raw data.
What does HCA stand for? Basic principle of an applied HCA to raw data.

So how does a hierarchical cluster procedure work?

Agglomerative vs Divisive Calculation

The basic clustering can be done in two opposite ways, Agglomerative and Divisive calculation.

Agglomerative clustering:

Agglomerative Nesting, abbreviated AGNES, is also known as the bottom-up method. This method first creates a cluster between two objects with high similarity, and then adds more clusters until all the data has been enclosed.

The divisive cluster calculation follows an opposite concept.

Divisive hierarchical clustering:

Divise Analysis, also known as DIANA, is a top-down method. All objects are directly framed into a cluster and then reduced in size.

In the following figure, the agglomerative process is compared with the divisive process.

What does HCA stand for?  The figure compares the agglomerative and divisive calculation.
What does HCA stand for? Agglomerative vs Divisive Calculation

Thus, the goal is to represent the common properties in low dimension in multidimensional raw data. A strength of this machine learning method is the inclusion of cluster relationships. With K-means, only all objects within a collection are similar to each other, while they are dissimilar to objects in other clusters. If you want to know more about this other popular clustering method, read this article.

How to calculate the cluster distances?

As mentioned earlier, not only are similarities between data points in a cluster weighted, but also similarities between groups. These similarities are represented by distances between the clusters. These distances can be determined in different ways. The distance between the centroids of two clusters can be calculated. A single linkage is the shortest distance between two clusters, a complete linkage is the largest distance between two clusters and an average linkage is the average distance between two clusters.

The figure below contrasts each cluster distance calculation method.

The figure contrasts each cluster distance calculation method. A single linkage is the shortest distance between two clusters, a complete linkage is the largest distance between two clusters and an average linkage is the average distance between two clusters
Cluster distance calculation methods

In addition to the planar representation, the HCA can also be represented in a dendrogram.

HCA represented in a Dendrogram

Since an HCA describes a tree structure, it can be well represented in a dendrogram. Here the connections between the individual data elements and the connections between the clusters become well visible. This diagram can help to choose the optimal number of clusters in the data depending on where you intersect the tree.

In the following figure, for example, such a dendrogram is shown in dependence on Agglomerative and Divisive Calculation.

The figure shows a HCA represented as a dendrogram in dependence to Agglomerative and Divisive Calculation.
HCA presented as dendrogram in dependence to Agglomerative and Divisive Calculation.

Matplotlib vs Seaborn – Who owns the Python visualization throne?

Matplotlib vs Seaborn – Matplotlib is often the first choice when it comes to creating mathematical plots with Python. But is it always the best choice? With Seaborn there is a potent competitor.

Matplotlib was developed by John D. Hunter back in 2003 and has become indispensable. Due to the increasing importance of the Python programming language in almost all scientific areas, the importance of fully compatible visualization methods is also growing.

Due to its open source concept, Matplotlib can be used absolutely free of charge and is a basic component of many popular Python distribution platforms, such as Anaconda.

The library offers a MATLAB-like interface and can be used in combination with NumPy, Pandas and Scipy, just like MATLAB.

SciPy is a collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functions and is mainly used by scientists, analysts and engineers for scientific computing, visualization and related activities.
NumPy allows easy handling of vectors, matrices, or large multidimensional arrays in general.
NumPy’s operators and functions are optimized for multidimensional array operations and evaluate particularly efficiently.

Pandas is also an open source Python library that can be used to perform data analysis and manipulation efficiently. Its strength lies in the processing and evaluation of tabular data and time series.

These components, which are absolutely compatible with each other, offer in their entirety an absolutely free, but fully comprehensive alternative to the commercial analysis software MATLAB.

This figure shows some Python libraries, which together form an open source MATLAB alternative.
Matplotlib vs Seaborn – Together the Python libraries form a MATLAB replacement

Python Matplotlib – What are the features?

The library offers a wide range of visualization functions. Some of them are listed in the figure below.

Matplotlib vs Seaborn - This figure shows Matplotlib features sorted by their use cases.
Matplotlib vs Seaborn – Matplotlib Features

Matplotlib is designed to effectively visualize the results of mathematical calculations. Visualization is an efficient and important data analysis tool.
The library is able to generate all the usual diagrams and figures by default. It is even possible to create animations that can be used to better understand the flow of certain algorithms.

Event Handling

Matplotlib offers an important feature with event handling. Behind the name is a UI-neutral event model. This allows the library to connect to events without knowing which UI Matplotlib will eventually plug into.

This allows me to develop a very flexible and portable code.
However, the events can then be used to transfer things like the data coordinate.

PyLab vs Pyplot

PyLab is a collection of functions that is installed together with Matplotlib and make the library work like MATLAB.
The module brings a set of NumPy functions and classes into the namespace. This makes them accessible without having to import them.
However, this often led to conflicts between individual Matplotlib functions.
For this reason, the use of PyLab is now no longer recommended.
Pyplot is a module in Matplotlib and provides the state-machine interface to the underlying plotting library.

The conflicts are prevented because an import is done with Pyplot and a separate NumPy import.

Python Matplotlib – Third party packages

If the standard library features are not enough, you can extend Matplotlib with additional external packages. In the following figure some of the possible extensions are listed and grouped by application.

Python Matplotlib - This figure shows Matplotlib Third Party Packages sorted by their use cases.
Matplotlib vs Seaborn – Matplotlib Third Party Packages

These external packages must be installed individually and extend the functionality of the plotting library, or build on existing features.
They sometimes offer more complex graphics or higher performance data analysis methods. Most of these packages are open source and are constantly updated by very active communities.

Matplotlib also has weaknesses

Matplotlib is not perfect despite the wide feature set. For example, only poor default options for the size and colors of plots are offered. Matplotlib is often considered to be a low-level technology compared to today’s requirements. Thus, very specialized code is needed to generate appealing plots.

What is Seaborn?

Seaborn is a Python visualization library, but based on Matplotlib. This library provides a high-level interface for visualization of statistical data and not only has its own graphics library, but internally uses Matplotlib’s functionalities and data structures.
It thus offers a variety of additional features besides the śtandard Matplotlib functions.

This scheme shows the main features of Seaborn
Matplotlib vs Seaborn – Main features of Seaborn

Among other things, Seaborn provides built-in themes for designing matplotlib graphs and a dataset-oriented API for determining the relationship between variables. It can visualize both univariate and bivariate data and plot statistical time series. Estimation and plotting of linear regression models run automatically and Seaborn, unlike Matplotlib, offers optimization when processing NumPy and Pandas data structures.

So what should you choose?

Especially when it comes to deep statistics, Seaborn clearly has the edge. Matplotlib, however, is often the leaner solution due to its simplicity. So both have their strengths and weaknesses. Which tool you ultimately choose depends on the situation. You can’t do much wrong. With one solution, however, you have more contextual options. But now that you know the differences between the two, this decision will be easier for you.

k-Means: One of the simplest Clustering Algorithms

One of the most popular unsupervised clustering methods is the k-means algorithm. It is considered one of the easiest and most cost-effective clustering algorithms to create. It is therefore well suited to identify an overview of possible patterns in data.

What is the principle behind the k-means algorithm?
in this article we will explain what is behind this algorithm and how it really works, because, the better you know your data science tools, the better you will be able to analyze your data.

What is k-Means?

The k-means algorithm described by MacQueen, 1967 goes back to the methods described by.
Lloyd, 1957 and Forgy, 1965 described methods. The unsupervised machine learning algorithm is used for vector quantification or cluster analysis. If you don’t know what the differences are between supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement methods, read this article on the main machine learning categories.

The following figure shows the basic principle of the k-Means clustering algorithm.

The figure shows the basic principle of the k-Means clustering algorithm.
Basic principle of the k-Means clustering

The main goal of unsupervised clustering is to create collections of data elements that are similar to each other, but dissimilar to elements in other clusters.

What is the principle behind the k-means algorithm?

Here, a data set is partitioned into k groups with equal variance. The number of clusters searched for must be specified in advance. Each disjoint cluster is described by the average of all contained samples.
The so-called cluster centroid.
The following figure shows the cluster center of gravity principle.

The figure shows the k-Means cluster center of gravity principle.
cluster center of gravity principle

Each centroid is updated to represent the average of its constituent instances. This is done until the assignment of instances to clusters does not change.

Applied algorithm process

But how exactly does the algorithm work?
First, initial centroids are set. The distances between data instances and centroids are measured and data instances are added as members of the nearest centroid. The centroids are recalculated. If necessary, final centroids are re-measured, re-clustered or re-calculated

The figure shows the process of k-Means Centroid creation
Centroid creation

AutoEncoder – What Is It? And What Is It Used For?

AutoEncoder – In data science, we often encounter multidimensional data relationships. Understanding and representing these is often not straightforward. But how do you effectively reduce the dimension without reducing the information content?

Unsupervised dimension reduction

One possibility is offered by unsupervised machine learning algorithms, which aim to code high-dimensional data as effectively as possible in a low-dimensional way.
If you don’t know the difference between unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning, check out this article we wrote on the topic.

What is an AutoEncoder?

The AutoEncoder is an artificial neural network that is used to unsupervised reduce the data dimensions.
The network usually consists of three or more layers. The gradient calculation is usually done with a backpropagation algorithm. The network thus corresponds to a feedforward network that is fully interconnected layer by layer.


AutoEncoder types are many. The following table lists the most common variations.

The figure shows all common AutoEncoder types
AutoEncoder types

However, the basic structure of all variations is the same for all types.

Basic Structure

Each AutoEncoder is characterized by an encoding and a decoding side, which are connected by a bottleneck, a much smaller hidden layer.

The following figure shows the basic network structure.

The figure shows the basic AutoEncoder structure.
AutoEncoder model architecture

During encoding, the dimension of the input information is reduced. The average value of the information is passed on and the information is compressed in such a way.
In the decoding part, the compressed information is to be used to reconstruct the original data. For this purpose, the weights are then adjusted via backpropagation.
In the output layer, each neuron then has the same meaning as the corresponding neuron in the input layer.

Autoencoder vs Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)

Restricted Boltzmann Machines are also based on a similar idea. These are undirected graphical models useful for dimensionality reduction, classification, regression, collaborative filtering, and feature learning. However, these take a stochastic approach. Thus, stochastic units with a particular distribution are used instead of the deterministic distribution.

RBMs are designed to find the connections between visible and hidden random variables. How does the training work?
The hidden biases generate the activations during forward traversal and the visible layer biases generate learning of the reconstruction during backward traversal.


Since the random initialization of weights in neural networks at the beginning of training is not always optimal, it makes sense to pre-train. The task of training is to minimize an error or a reconstruction in order to find the most efficient compact representation for input data.

The figure shows the pretraining procedure of an autoencoder according to Hinton.
Training Stacked Autoencoder

The method was developed by Geoffrey Hinton and is primarily for training complex autoencoders. Here, the neighboring layers are treated as a Restricted Boltzmann Machine. Thus, a good approximation is achieved and fine-tuning is done with a backpropagation.

scikit-learn – Machine learning, Data Mining and Data Analysis in Python for free

In almost no scientific discipline you can get around the programming language Python nowadays.
With it, powerful algorithms can be applied to large amounts of data in a performant way.
Open source libraries and frameworks enable the simple implementation of mathematical methods and data transports.

What is scikit-learn?

One of the most popular Python libraries is scikit-learn. It can be used to implement both supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms. scikit-learn primarily offers ready-made solutions for data mining, preprocessing and data analysis.
The library is based on the SciPy Toolkit (SciKit) and makes extensive use of NumPy for high performance linear algebra and array operations. If you don’t know what NumPy is, check out our article on the popular Python library.
The library was first released in 2007 and since then it is constantly extended and optimized by a very active community.
The library was written primarily in Python and is based on Cython only for some high-level operations.
This makes the library easy to integrate into Python applications.

scikit-learn Features

Easily implement many machine learning algorithms with scikit-learn. Both supervised and unsupervised machine learning are supported. If you don’t know what the difference is between the two machine learning categories, check out this article from us on the topic.
The figure below lists all the algorithms provided by the library.

The figure  lists all the upervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms provided by scikit-learn..
machine learning algorithms provided by scikit-learn..

scikit-learn thus offers rich capabilities to recognize patterns and data relationships in a dataset. Thus, high dimensions can be reduced to visualize the relationships without sacrificing much information.
Features can be extracted and data clustering algorithms can be easily created.


scikit-learn is powerful and versatile. However, the library does not exist completely solitary. Besides the obvious dependency on Python, the library requires the import of other libraries for special operations.

NumPy allows easy handling of vectors, matrices or generally large multidimensional arrays. SciPy complements these functions with useful features like minimization, regression or the Fourier transform. With joblib Python functions can be built as lightweighted pipeline jobs and with threadpoolctl methods can be coordinated as threads to save resources.

SciPy turns Python into an ingenious free MATLAB alternative

Python vs MATLAB

== Open source Python library
– a collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functions

– is mainly used by scientists, analysts and engineers for scientific computing, visualization and related activities

– Initial Realease: 2006; Stable Release: 2020
– depends on the NumPy module
→ basic data structure used by SciPy is a N-dimensional array provided by NumPy


scipy benefits


– SciPy library provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical routines:

scipy subpackages

Available sub-packages

SciPy ecosystem

– scienitific computing in Python builds upon a small core of open-source software for mathematics, science and engineering

scipy ecosystem
SciPy Core Software

More relevant Packages

– the SciPy ecosystem includes, based on the core properties, other specialized tools

scipy eco sidepackages

The product and further information can be found here:

PyTorch BigGraph (PBG) – Facebook’s open source library for process embedding on large graphs for free

PyTorch BigGraph – The graph is a data structure that can be used to clearly represent relationships between data objects as nodes and edges.
These structures can contain billions of nodes and edges in an industrial context.

pygraph graph
Typical Graph structure

So how can the multidimensional data relationships be accessed in a meaningful way?
Graph embedding offers one possibility for dimension reduction.
This is a sequence of different algorithms with the goal of reducing the graph’s property relations to vector spaces. These embedding methods usually run unsupervised.
If there is a large property similarity, two points should also be close to each other in the vector space.

The reduced feature information can then be further processed with additional machine learning algorithms.

What is PyTorch BigGraph?

Facebook offers PyTorch BigGraph, an open source library that can be used to create very performant graph embeddings for extremely large graphs.

The figure shows the main principle of PyTorch BigGraph graph embedding.
PyTorch BigGraph Principle

It is a distributed system that can unsupervised learn graph embeddings for graphs with billions of nodes and trillions of edges. It was launched in 2019 and is written entirely in Python. This ensures absolute compatibility with common Python data processing libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn.
All calculations are performed on the CPU, which should play a decisive role in the hardware selection. A lot of memory is mandatory. It should also be noted that PBG can process very performant large graphs, but is not optimized for small graphs, i.e. structures with less than 100.000 nodes.

Facebook extends the ecosystem of its popular Python scientific computing package PyTorch with a very performant Big Graph solution. If you want to know more about PyTorch, you should read this article from us. Here we will show you the most important features and compare it with the industry’s top performer Google Tensorflow.

Fundamental building blocks

PGB provides some basic building blocks to handle the complexity of the graph. The graph partitioning splits the graph into equal parts and can be processed in parallel. PGB also supports multithreading computations. A process is divided into several threads, which run independently, but can access the same memory. In addition to the distribution of tasks, PyTorch BigGraph can also be used intelligently by distributed execution of hardware resources.

PyTorch BigGraph- How does the training work?

The PGB graph processing algorithms can process the graph in parallel using the fundamental building blocks already described. This allows the training mechanisms to run in a distributed manner and thus with high performance.

Once the nodes and edges are partitioned, the training can be performed for one bucket at a time.

The figure shows schematically the parallel training of PyTorch BigGraph which is enabled by graph partitioning.
PyTorch BigGraph – Parallel Training through Graph Partitioning

The training runs unsupervised on an input graph by reading its edge list.
A feature vector is then output for each entity. Here, neighboring entities in the vector space are placed close to each other, while unconnected entities are pushed apart. Thus, the dimensions are iteratively reduced. It is also possible to configure and optimize this calculation using parameters learned during training.

PGB and Machine Learning

The graph structure is a very information-rich and so far unfortunately too much neglected data structure. With tools like PGB the large structure is more and more equalized by high parallelism.

A very interesting concept is the use of PGB in machine learning large graph structures. Here, the graph structures could be used for semantic queries with nodes, edges and properties to represent and store data and could replace a labeled data structure. Through the connections between the nodes certain relations can be derived. By PGB the graph can be processed enormously parallelized. This would allow individual machines to train a model in parallel with different buckets, using a lock server.

PyGraph – A Great Open Source Graph Manipulation Library in Python

In times of Big Data, the graph has become a popular data structure due to its flexible and clear relationship-based structure. Even entire database systems are now designed according to the graph principle. For more on this, read our article on NoSQL databases. Libraries, like PyGraph, allow you to perform fast queries and optimized graph manipulations. With its full Python implementation, it offers you a user-friendly and powerful tool.

What is a graph?

In a graph, objects are represented according to their relationships with each other. The objects are called vertices and the relations are called edges of the graph. An edge always connects exactly two nodes.
Graphs are often used to represent traffic networks, entity-relationship diagrams, syntax trees for programming languages, finite automata and proof or decision trees.

PyGraph - Schematic representation of a graph structure and its components
Schematic representation of a graph structure and its components

PyGraph supports different graph types

Basically, graphs must be differentiated between directed and undirected.
If a graph is directed, the edges may only be used in one direction. These edges are also called directed edges. If it is undirected, there are no directional constraints. So each edge is connected to an undirected pair of vertices. In the following figure we have contrasted both categories.

Schematic comparison of undirected and directed graphs
Comparison of undirected and directed graphs

You can use PyGraph regardless of these properties, because both types are supported.

PyGraph supports several algorithms

PyGraph supports the use of many well-known graph operations. For example, searching or traversing a graph, where all nodes of a graph must be visited, can be done in different ways. In the Depth-First Search (DFS) search algorithm, for example, the successors of a successor of the current node are visited first and only then the neighbors of the current node.

The depth of the search can also be limited accordingly. Breadth-First Search (BFS), on the other hand, first visits its own neighboring nodes and only then the successors of the neighboring nodes.

In addition to the algorithm-based search of a graph, other operations can be performed with PyGraph, such as the calculation of minimum spanning trees. This tree describes the best possible path to traverse all available nodes in a weighted graph. In the following figure we have shown you all currently supported algorithms.

Representation of all algorithms currently supported by PyGraph
All algorithms currently supported
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